2012 – Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah; Online Communication in a Second Language. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. Ordering information: Paperback Hardback | |
2016 – Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah E. & Sell, Cathy. Manga Vision: Cultural and Communicative Perspectives. Ordering information: Monash University Press | |
2017 – Monk, N., Lindgren, M., McDonald, S., Pasfield-Neofitou, S. Reconstructing Identity: A Transdisciplinary Approach. Ordering information: Springer | |
2022 – Miers, R., Linder, S., Pasfield-Neofitou, S., Willoughby, L. Auslan: At a Basic User Level. [Link in preparation] |
Book Chapters
2015 – Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah E., Grant, Scott & Huang, Hui. “Task-Based Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) in Second Life for Beginner Learners and Educators” in Exploring Innovative Pedagogy in the Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Foreign Language, Robyn Moloney and Hui Ling Xu (eds). Ordering information: Springer | |
2013 – Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah E., “Chapter 8 – ‘Digital Natives’ and ‘Native Speakers’: Competence in computer mediated communication” in Language and Intercultural Communication in the New Era, Farzad Sharifian and Maryam Jamarani (eds). Ordering information : Routledge | |
2012 – Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah; Spence-Brown, Robyn; Morofushi, Mari; Clerehan, Rosemary “Chapter 13 – Implementing Social Networking in a Higher Education Language Course: Interaction and assessment in Conflict” in Effectively Implementing ICT in Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Region, Jim Peterson, Matthew Pisceroni, Tofazzal Islam and Okhwa Lee (eds) (pp. 201-216). Ordering information : Nova Publishers | |
2009 - パスフィルド-ネオフィツ・セーラ、諸伏麻里&スペンス-ブラウン・ ロビン 「実社会への架け橋: 初級者に対するSNSを利用した日本語教育 」(Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah; Morofushi, Mari &Spence-Brown, Robyn. “A Bridge to the Real World: Japanese language education using Social Networking Services”) in ニュー・サウス・ウェルズ大学 人文社会科学部 言語学科トムソン木下千尋教授 「学習者主体の日本語教育-オーストラリアにおける実践研究-」(株式会 社ココ出版) (Professor Chihiro Kinoshita Thomson, School of Languages and Linguistics, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The University of New South Wales: “New Pedagogies for learner agency: Japanese language education research and practice in Australia” by Co Co Publishing Co.Ltd.) (winner 2009 Sir Neil Currie Australian Studies Awards, Publication Category -see Press Release in English or Japanese). Ordering information (ご注文はこちら): Amazon 凡人社 そうがく社 日本語ブックス 大谷書店 |
Journal Publications
2024 – Raj, Nawin & Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah. “Assessment and Prediction of Sea Level and Coastal Wetland Changes in Small Islands Using Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence”. Remote Sensing 2024(16) 551.
2016 – “Review of WorldCALL: Sustainability and Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Ana Gimeno, Mike Levy, Françoise Blin & David Burr (eds.)” Language Learning & Technology 20(3).
2016 – MacKinnon, Teresa; Pasfield-Neofitou; Sarah, Manns, Howard & Grant, Scott. “A Meta-Analysis of Open Educational Communities of Practice and Sustainability in Higher Educational Policy”. Apprentisage des Langues et Systèmes d’Information et de Communication (ALSIC), 19(1). This article is part of ALSIC’s Special Issue on Social Dynamics in Open Educational Language Practice.
2016 – MacKinnon, Teresa & Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah. “OER “produsage” as a model to support
language teaching and learning”. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24(40). This article is part of EPAA/AAPE’s Special Issue on
Models of Open Education in Higher Education Guest Co-Edited by Dr. Lisa Petrides and Dr. Cynthia
2015 – Monk, Nicholas; McDonald, Sarah; Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah & Lindgren, Mia “Portal Pedagogy: From Interdisciplinarity and Internationalization to Transdiscipliarity and Transnationalization” in London Review of Education, Issue 13.3, December
2015 – Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah; Huang, Hui, & Grant, Scott “Lost in Second Life: Virtual Embodiment and Language Learning via Multimodal Communication” in Educational Technology Research and Development, July.
2014 – “Language Learning and Socialization Opportunities in Game Worlds: Trends in First and Second Language Research” in Language & Linguistics Compass 8/7 271-284.
2014 – Grant, Scott; Huang, Hui & Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah “The Authenticity-Anxiety Paradox: The Quest for Authentic Second Language Communication and Reduced Foreign Language Anxiety in Virtual Environments” in Procedia Technology 12 23-32.
2014 – Morofushi, Mari & Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah “Normalizing Social Networking in a Beginners’ Japanese Course” in The Language Learning Journal, 42(1), 67-84.
2014 – “The Soul of Anime: Collaborative Creativity and Japan’s Media Success Story. I. Condry. Durham: Duke University Press, 2013” in The Australian Journal of Anthropology 25(1) 115-116.
2013 – “How Can We Learn Asian Languages Online? New Book: Online Communication in a Second Language” in East Asian Library Resources Group of Australia Newsletter No. 61 (January)
2013 – Takahama, Junko & Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah “Learners’ email with native speakers beyond the class: a follow-up to a classroom email project” in ReCALL, 25(3), pp. 373-391.
2013 – Grant, Scott; Huang, Hui & Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah “Language Learning in Virtual Worlds: The Role of Foreign Language and Technical Anxiety” in Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 6(1). (Winner, 2nd Prize Silver Avatar)
2012 – “Learners’ Language Management in Internet-based Communication with Japanese peers” in Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 22(2) pp. 271-293.
2012 – “(Re)Conceptualizing the Interface of Language, Technology and Literacies” in Monash University Linguistics Papers, 8(1).
2012 – Morofushi, Mari & Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah E. “ ‘Typing literacy’ in a Japanese Beginners Course: Developing an overlooked skill via explicit instruction and social networking” in Monash University Linguistics Papers, 8(1).
2012 Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah. E. & Morofushi, Mari (2012) “Integrating Social Networking in a Beginner’s Japanese Course as a Focus for Literacy Development” in the Language Learning Journal. (abstract).
2011 – “Second Language Learners’ Experiences of Virtual Community and Foreignness” in Language Learning and Technology, 15 (2) pp. 92-108. (download).
2011 – “Developing Soft Skills Via CMC” in International Language Conference Proceedings. (download)
2009 – “Learner’s Participation in Informal Japanese-English Internet Chat” in New Voices, 3 pp. 43 – 63. (download) or (print ordering information).
2009 – “Paper, electronic, or online? Different dictionaries for different activities” in Babel 43 (2) pp. 12 – 18. (ordering information) (download – free for employees of Education Queensland and TAFE Queensland only).
2008 – “Creative Applications of Social Networking for the Language Learning Class” in the International Journal of Learning, 14 (12) pp.235-240. (download or print ordering information).
2007 – “Japanese-English Chat Interactions: Language Use in Internet Chat” CASTEL-J in Hawaii 2007 Proceedings: The Fourth International Conference on Computer Assisted Systems for Teaching & Learning Japanese, Shinagawa Satoru (ed). University of Hawaii, Honolulu.
2007 – “Intercultural Japanese-English Internet Chat and Resources for Language Learning” CASTEL-J in Hawaii 2007 Proceedings: The Fourth International Conference on Computer Assisted Systems for Teaching & Learning Japanese, Shinagawa Satoru (ed). University of Hawaii, Honolulu.
2007 – “The Gender Differential Use of Minimal Responses in Daytime TV Interviews: A preliminary investigation” Monash University Linguistics Papers, 5 (2) Monash University, Melbourne. (download) or (print ordering information), (abstract).
2007 – “Textual Features of Intercultural Internet Chat between Learners of Japanese and English”, CALL-EJ Online, 9 (1) (full text).
2007 – “Intercultural Internet Chat and Language Learning: A Socio-cultural Theory Perspective”, Learning and Socio-cultural Theory: Exploring Modern Vygotskian Perspectives International Workshop, 1 (1) (full text) .
Presentations and Conference Papers
Conference Presentations
2017 – “Learning to Talk Money: Finance as a Foreign Language or a Mother Tongue”
at Money Talks? conference, Corvinus University of Budapest, 4th May 2017, Hungary.
2015 – VEL Team “Ghost Towns: Virtual Campuses and Virtual Tourism” at SLanguages (Presented by Sarah Pasfield-Neofitou and Scott Grant)
2015 – VEL Team Presentation at Transforming Assessment Webinar. (Main presenter Scott Grant)
2015 – VEL Team Exhibit at Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education 2015 Conference.
2014 – VEL Team “Sharing Practice” at Ascilite, held on 3-6 November 2014 in Dunedin, New Zealand (Presented by Scott Grant)
2014 – “Language Management and New Media” at Japan, Australia and the Global Context: Connections across languages and societies, A symposium in honour of Helen Marriott, 15th March 2014, Melbourne.
2013 – Grant, Scott; Huang, Hui; & Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah “The Authenticity-Anxiety Paradox: The quest for authentic second language communication and reduced foreign language anxiety in virtual environments” at SLACTIONS 2013 – Research conference on virtual worlds: Learning with simulations, organized by University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), held on 21-23 November 2013 in the virtual world of Second Life®. (Winner, 2nd Prize Silver Avatar)
2013 – “A Vision for Personal Learning Environments and Research Development” at Personal Learning Environment conference, 10-12th July 2013, Berlin & Melbourne (co-hosted).
2013 – “Mobile Knowledge Distribution and Learning Methods” at Ninth Technology, Knowledge, and Society Conference, held in Vancouver, Canada, at the University of British Columbia at Robson Square (online presentation).
2012 – Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah; Willoughby, Louisa & Musgrave, Simon. “Student Perspectives on eEducation and Virtual Learning Environments in Languages, Cultures, and Linguistics: A focus on the Moodle transition and template use” at Moodle Symposium, Monash, Caulfield.
2012 – Sell, Cathy & Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah “The Sound of Silence: Translating Onomatopoeia and Mimesis in Manga” at Manga Studies: A symposium celebrating 10 years of the JSC Manga Library at Monash. (abstract) (hosted).
2012 – Grant, Scott; Huang, Hui; & Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah “Language Learning in Virtual Worlds: The Role of FLA and Technical Anxiety” at SLACTIONS 2012 – Research conference on virtual worlds – Life, imagination, and work using metaverse platforms, held on 15-17 November 2012 at the UTAD and VITA Project simulators in the virtual world of Second Life®, organized by the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, via its Pro-Chancellery for Innovation and Information Management.
2012 – Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah Ellen; Uekusa, Masae & Morofushi, Mari “Using Inking Technology in the Teaching of Japanese” at National Symposium: Japanese Language Education 2012 ‘Creating the Future’, University of Melbourne, Melbourne.
2011 – “‘Digital Natives’ & ‘Native Speakers’ [Language Learning in the Cyber World]” at 3rd Annual Language and Society Centre Roundtable ‘Language Learning in the “Global Economy”‘ in Memory of Michael Clyne, Monash University, Clayton.
2011 – “Smartboards & Tablet PC Inking in a LOTE Studies Classroom: Student linguistic analysis of authentic texts, assessment and feedback” in “Monash LCL Panel: Practice and/or research in the uses of technology” at LCNAU, Canberra (virtual presentation).
2011 – “Japanese Language Learners and Native Speakers: National identities in international Computer Mediated Communication” in “Opportunities for Japanese L2 Learning and Use: Networking and Communication through CMC” panel at JSAA Conference, Melbourne University, Melbourne. (abstract)
2011 – “Developing Soft Skills Via CMC” at International Language Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (full paper)
2011 – “Language Learning in the Cyber World: ‘Digital Natives’ and ‘Native Speakers” at Language and Society Roundtable: In Memory of Michael Clyne, Melbourne. (program with abstract)
2010 – “Social Interaction in Second Language Computer Mediated Communication: Opportunities for Language Learning in Online Domains” at ALAA, Brisbane.
2010 – “Intercultural Computer Mediated Communication: Second Language Acquisition and Use in Internet Domains” at 1st Monash Postgraduate Conference on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Melbourne. (progam with abstract)
2009 – “Out-of-Classroom Internet Communication of Japanese Language Learners and Native Speakers” in ‘Opportunities for Language Learning Outside the Classroom’ panel at JSAA-ICJLE International Conference, Sydney. (abstract)
2009 – Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah Ellen; Morofushi, Mari & Kurata, Naomi “Bebo for Beginners: Using social networking as a focus for second language literacy development in a beginners’ Japanee course” at Forum on Curricula and Innovative Teaching: Research into teaching and learning, Monash University, Melbourne. (abstract) (slides)
2009 – パスフィルド-ネオフィツ・セーラ、諸伏麻里&スペンス-ブラウン・ロビン「初級者に対するSNSを利用した日本語教育」 (Japanese Language Education for Beginners using SNS) in BEBO(ソーシャルネットワーキングサービス)を日本語学習に活用して (Using BEBO (Social Network Service) in Japanese language learning) panel at JSAA-ICJLE International Conference, Sydney. (abstract)
2008 – “Out-of-Classroom Online Second Language Learning and Use” in Faculty of Education Seminars, Monash University, Melbourne. (abstract)
2008 – “Learners’ Language Management and Noting in Online Communication with Japanese Peers” at the Language Management Workshop, Monash University, Melbourne. (details)
2008 – “Language Learning and Online Communication” at Language and Society Centre Workshop, Monash University, Melbourne. (details)
2008 - Pasfield-Neofitou, Sarah Ellen; Inaba, Miho & Neofitou, Simon Alexander “The Changing Environment of Literacy: Four lenses into new media literacies” at Australian Association for Research in Education, AARE 2008 International Education Research Conference, Brisbane. (abstract)
2007 – “Creative Applications of Social Networking for the Language Learning Class” at e-Learning Symposium, RMIT University, Melbourne (abstract)
2007 – “Creative Applications of Social Networking in Japanese 2” at Workshop on Curriculum, Monash University.
2007 – “Intercultural Internet Interaction” at The Intercultural World, Monash University, Melbourne. (abstract)
2007 – “Internet Chat and Japanese Language Learning” at Japanese Language Education Symposium, Monash University, Melbourne (abstract)
2007 – “Japanese-English Chat Interactions: Language Use in Internet Chat” at CASTEL-J, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. (abstract)
2007 – “Informal Reciprocal teaching in Japanese-English Internet Chat” in ‘New directions in the teaching of Japanese’ panel at JSAA 15th Biennial Conference, Canberra (abstract)
2007 – “Intercultural Internet Chat and Language Learning” at Learning and Socio-cultural theory: exploring modern Vygotskian perspectives Workshop, Wollongong (abstract)
2006 – “Language Use in Internet Chat” at Language Teaching and Research Forum, Monash University, Melbourne. (details)
Invited Presentations
2014 – “Portal Pedagogy” at SLATE Open Morning, Thursday 17 July at Monash University Caulfield Campus.
2014 – “What Students Think of Our ‘Moodling'” at Student-Centred Learning: Contemporary Malaysian & Australian Perspectives, Monash-UUM.
2013 – “A New Approach… Some Changes at the Unit Level” at Senior Leadership Forum Panel, Monash University.
2013 – “Introduction to ‘Online Communication in a Second Language'” at Computer Mediated Communication for Interaction in Language Learning Summer Conference, Coventry University, UK (online presentation)
2013 – “「クール・ジャパン」インターネット、メディアと異文化コミュニケーション (“Cool Japan”: The Internet, media, and intercultural communication)” presentation at chibaグローバル化と海外における日本語教育セミナー (chiba Globalization and Overseas Japanese Education Seminar), Chiba University, Japan.
2011 – “オーストラリアの日本語教育 (Japanese Language Education in Australia)” presentation at 2011 Residential Training Camp, Chiba University & Kanda University of International Studies, Japan.
2011 – “英語圏への留学と異文化コミュニケーション:オーストラリアの異文化接触(日本からの留学生の問題) (Exchanges to English-speaking Countries and Intercultural Communication: Australia’s Contact Situations (Problems encountered by Japanese exchang students))” presentation at 2011 Residential Training Camp, Chiba University & Kanda University of International Studies, Japan.
2010 – “My Postgraduate Experience” presentation at Research Reporting Day, Monash University, Melbourne.
2008 – “Travel and Virtual Research Experiences: Researching Intercultural Communication via the Internet” presentation at Travelling Research Literacies in a Transnational World Symposium, Monash University, Melbourne. (PowerPoint with photography © the author) (Travelling Research Symposium Session 4 – 24 July 2008 flv and mp4 movies, and mp3 audio. Monash University student login required)
Internal Presentations
2009 – “Second Language Acquisition in Computer Mediated Communication” at Research Reporting Day, Monash University, Melbourne.
2008 – “Second Language Socialization and Acquisition in Computer Mediated Communication” at Data Analysis Workshop, Monash University, Melbourne.
2008 – “Language Acquisition via Computer Mediated Communication” at Research Reporting Day, Monash University, Melbourne.
2007 – “Language Learning Online” at Research Reporting Day, Monash University, Melbourne.
2007 – “Learners’ Participation in Online Communities ” at Language Teaching and Research Forum, Monash University, Melbourne.
2006 – “Japanese-English Chat Interactions: Language Use in Intercultural Instant Messaging ” at Honours Research Reporting Day, Monash University, Melbourne.
2010 – Doctoral thesis “An Analysis of L2 Japanese Learners’ Social CMC with Native Speakers: Interaction, Language Use and Language Learning”, Monash University, Melbourne. (Conferred).
2006 – Honours thesis “Language Use in Intercultural Internet Chat between Learners of Japanese and English in Informal Contexts”, Monash University, Melbourne. (Conferred).
2016 – interviewed in Frankie Magazine article “Get the Picture? There’s more to emoji than winky faces and smiling piles of poo” issue 69, pp. 46-47.
2014 – interviewed on ABC Radio National: (mp3 audio download).
2013 – featured on: Multilingual Matters blog
2010 – interviewed for: Cecilia Lim – Monash Radio.
2008 – interviewed for: Gannon, Megan – “Chatroom Linguistics” in Smallust [Week 1 June 08 Words I] (full text)
2007 – interviewed for: Strong, Geoff – “Has txt kild the ritn word?” in The Age (October 2, Metro section, pg. 14) also available online at (full text with graphics) OR (full text no graphics). (pdf mirror).
2007 – interviewer / presenter for: 高橋秀夫 – 「Listen to Me! Gateway to Australia 3-Step System CALL教材 英語中上級 CD-ROM for Windows」千葉大学&株式会社NHKエデュケーショナル (Takahashi, Hideo “Listen to Me! Gateway to Australia 3-Step System CALL teaching materials Intermediate-Advanced English CD-ROM for Windows” Chiba University & NHK Educational) (details)
2008 – “Travel and Virtual Research Experiences: Researching Intercultural Communication via the Internet” presentation at Travelling Research Literacies in a Transnational World Symposium, Monash University, Melbourne. (Travelling Research Symposium Session 4 – 24 July 2008 flv and mp4 movies, and mp3 audio. Monash University student login required).
2013 -“Apps for Learning Japanese” (recommendations for mobile phone apps) (full text)
2007 -“Dictionaries” (recommendations for online dictionaries, paper dictionaries, and electronic dictionaries) (full text, updated 2013)
2014 – “A Look at Monash Prato in Second Life” virtual poster displayed during Scott Grant aka Xilin Yifu’s keynote presentation and tour of Virtual Prato at 7th SLanguages Annual Symposium Feb 28-Mar 1, Second Life. (recording)
2014 – “Welcome to Virtual Prato: A Look at Monash Prato in Second Life” poster at Better Teaching, Better Learning Showcase, Monash University, Caulfield.
2007 – “Online Dictionaries and Internet Chat” poster at Monash Research Month, Monash University, Clayton. (full poster) click here (handout)
2007 – “Intercultural Internet Chat” poster at Arts in Action Festival, Monash University, Caulfield.
2007 – “Intercultural Japanese-English Internet Chat and Resources for Language Learning” poster at CASTEL-J, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. (abstract) click here (handout)
Contact the author for copies of any of the above.
2016 – Lecturer and Convener for ATS3649 (Undergraduate Japanese Studies. Japanese: Language and Society). Lecturer for ATS1141 (Undergraduate Japanese Language. Japanese Introductory 1), convened by Robyn Spence-Brown and Sarah Pasfield-Neofitou.
2015 – Lecturer and Convener for ATS3649 (Undergraduate Japanese Studies. Japanese: Language and Society). Lecturer for ATS1141 (Undergraduate Japanese Language. Japanese Introductory 1), convened by Robyn Spence-Brown and Sarah Pasfield-Neofitou.
2014 – “Using Social Media in Higher Education” in Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice (GCAP)
2014 – Lecturer for ATS2653 (Undergraduate Japanese Studies. Japanese: Language Acquisition and Use)
2014 – Lecturer for ATS1141 (Undergraduate Japanese Language. Japanese Introductory 1), convened by Naomi Kurata and Sarah Pasfield-Neofitou.
2013 – “Exploring Identity in Online Domains” for Forms of Identity (Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Monash-Wariwck Alliance Unit), convened by Nick Monk (University of Warwick) and Sarah McDonald.
2013 – Lecturer for ATS2649/3649 (Undergraduate Japanese Studies. Japanese Language and Society), convened by Sarah Pasfield-Neofitou.
2013 – Lecturer for ATS1141 (Undergraduate Japanese Language. Japanese 1), convened by Naomi Kurata and Sarah Pasfield-Neofitou.
2012 – “ICT and Research Tools” for ATS3747 (Undergraduate Asian Studies. Research Methods), convened by Beatrice Trefalt.
2012 – “Technological Innovations in Language Teaching – Quick and Easy Ideas” for LOTE and ESL Education, convened by Maria Gindidis.
2012 – “Qualitative Data Analysis and NVivo” for APG4347/5347 (Postgraduate Linguistics. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics), convened by Simon Musgrave.
2012 – Lecturer for ATS2653/3653 (Undergraduate Japanese Studies. Japanese Language Acquisition and Use), convened by Sarah Pasfield-Neofitou.
2011 – “Qualitative Data Analysis and NVivo” for APG4653/5653 (Postgraduate Linguistics. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics), convened by Helen Marriott.
2011 – “Computer Mediated Communication and Language Learning” for ATS3816 (Undergraduate Linguistics. The Social Context of Language Learning), convened by Louisa Willoughby.
2011 – Lecturer for ATS2649/3649 (Undergraduate Japanese Studies. Introduction to Japanese Sociolinguistics), convened by Sarah Pasfield-Neofitou.
2011 – Lecturer for ATS1141 (Undergraduate Japanese Language. Japanese 1, Semester 2), convened by Sarah Pasfield-Neofitou.
2011 – Lecturer for ATS1141 (Undergraduate Japanese Language. Japanese 1), convened by Sarah Pasfield-Neofitou (Caulfield campus) and Naomi Kurata (Clayton campus)
2010 – Lecturer for JPL1020 (Undergraduate Japanese Language. Japanese 2), convened by Naomi Kurata (Caulfield campus) and Sarah Pasfield-Neofitou (Clayton campus)
2010 – “Subcultures and the Language Which Does Not Appear in JFL Textbooks” for JPS2530/3530 (Undergraduate Japanese Studies. Japanese Language Acquisition and Use), Monash University, Melbourne, convened by Helen Marriott.
2010 – four-week module consisting of three lectures: “Technological Innovations”, “CMC and Language Learning” and “CMC and Japanese” for JPS2530/3530 (Undergraduate Japanese Studies. Japanese Language Acquisition and Use), Monash University, Melbourne, convened by Helen Marriott.
2009 – two-week module consisting of two lectures: “Japanese Online Communication” and “Japanese Moble Phone Communication” for JPS2130/3130 (Undergraduate Japanese Studies. Japanese Sociolinguistics), Monash University, Melbourne, convened by Helen Marriott.
2009 – “Computer Mediated Communication and Intercultural Communication” (revised) guest lecture for JAL4130/5130 (Postgraduate Japanese Applied Linguistics. Japanese Sociolinguistics), Monash University, Melbourne, convened by Helen Marriott.
2008 – “Mobile Phone and email Communication in Japan” guest lecture for JPS2530/3530 (Undergraduate Japanese Studies. Japanese Language Acquisition and Use), Monash University, Melbourne, convened by Robyn Spence-Brown.
2007 – “5C: 家族 (かぞく) Family” for JPL1020 (Undergraduate Japanese Language. Japanese 2), convened by Robyn Spence-Brown and Sarah Pasfield-Neofitou (deputy).
2007 – “Computer Mediated Communication and Intercultural Communication” guest lecture for JAL4130/5130 (Postgraduate Japanese Applied Linguistics. Japanese Sociolinguistics), Monash University, Melbourne, convened by Helen Marriott. (revised in 2009)
2007 – “Computer-Mediated Intercultural Communication” guest lecture for JPS2130/3130 (Undergraduate Japanese Studies. Japanese Sociolinguistics), Monash University, Melbourne, convened by Helen Marriott.
2006 – “Japanese-English Chat Interactions: Language Use in Internet Chat” guest lecture for LIN1010 (Undergraduate Linguistics. The Language Game: Why do we talk the way we do?), Monash University, Melbourne, convened by Heather Bowe.
2009 – profiled in “Comments from Students – PostGraduate/Graduate Coursework”, (full text)
2009 – profiled in “Arts – Graduate Profile”, p. 25, (full text)
2006 – “Conversation Analysis” – winner 2nd Prize Golden Key Honour Society Essay Competition (2 day 2 night Whitsundays Sailing Adventure) (full text)
2008 – “Starting Postgrad Study” –winner 1st Prize Monash Postgraduate Association Short Story Competition (MPA Gift Pack & $50 Book Voucher) “Odds & Ends” in Compass Online April-May 08 (full text with photography © the author)
Contact the author for copies of any of the above.